BritishAmerican Business’s (BAB) J-1 Exchange Visitor Program (J-1 Visa Program) is designed to promote business relations and commercial ties between the U.S. and the U.K. and to facilitate international exchange by enabling participating companies to bring selected Interns and Trainees to the U.S. for up to 12-18 months. This goal is achieved by imparting to Exchange Visitors knowledge and understanding of U.S. business practices and culture in a structured training program in a specific occupational field. The purpose of the program can be realized only if Exchange Visitors return home to share their knowledge and experience.
BAB offers our J-1 Visa Program in the categories of "Intern" and “Trainee”. The J-1 visa is used for practical training and is only granted for temporary stays (a maximum 12 months for Interns and 18 months for Trainees).
For more information please click here